Are you interested in free promotional merchandise?

By working with us as a promoter, you can represent our brand and help us get known! as well as earning free merchandise, as a thank you from us!

How does it work?

Once we accept you as a promoter, we will give you your own, unique promotional code, depending on your name.
When you promote our brand to your friends, give them this code. They can then use it at the checkout, through this code we can see every time you've promoted our brand.

What merchandise can you earn?

We run this scheme on a points system. Every time someone uses your code, you'll gain a 'point'. You can redeem these for free merchandise!
For instance, you can redeem a free tee of your choice or beanie for 4 points, it's as easy as that! There's no limit to the amount of merchandise you can earn with this scheme.

How can I promote New Age Clothing Co?

Promotion via social media can be really easy! Sharing our pictures on your timeline, tweeting about us or posting images on your instagram all help you reaach more people!
Posting your code alongside your posts will help you as well!

Contact us through the site! or message us via our Facebook Page! And we will straight away provide you with your own code to get started!

So what can you earn?

Rewards - Points

1 Point - 10% Off any order

3-5 Points - 15% off any order

6-10 Points - 20% off any order

We will have more rewards soon :)

To get started contact us by messaging us on are Facebook Page! or on the Contact tab